Do Not Go To Court Alone
If you have been arrested for DUI in Pomona it is best not to go to court alone and represent yourself. Pomona DUI's are aggressively prosecuted by the Los Angeles County District Attorney. If you are unemployed or have low income you can request the Judge to appoint the Los Angeles County Public Defender. If you do not qualify for the PD's office, you will need to hire your own attorney. It is best to choose an attorney that is experienced in DUI law. Berglund Law Office, P.C. specializes in defending persons arrested for Driving Under the Influence. DUI Attorney Robert D. Berglund vigorously represents his clients to ensure that they are treated fairly under the law and receive the best possible outcome in their cases.
DUI Arrests in Pomona
Pomona Police Department officers keep a strong presence throughout the city by conducting regular patrols for criminal activity, including patrols looking for DUI drivers and conducting DUI checkpoints. The California Highway Patrol also assists in DUI saturation patrols on and around the 10, 57, 71, and 60 freeways. If you are caught driving with a BAC over .08 in Pomona you will be arrested and charged with DUI. If you are high from marijuana and caught driving in Pomona you will be arrested. Misdemeanor and felony DUI arrest reports are forwarded to the Los Angeles County District Attorney's Office for criminal prosecution. If you need a Pomona DUI Lawyer to defend you against DUI charges, CONTACT our office today.
10 Days to Request DMV Hearing
DUI is a criminal offense, not to be mistaken with a traffic violation such as speeding or running a red light. If you were arrested on suspicion of Driving Under the Influence of alcohol, the Pomona Police Department or other law enforcement officers likely confiscated your driver's license and issued a pink "temporary" license that is good for 30 days. However, you only have 10 days from the arrest date to request a Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) Administrative Per Se (APS) hearing from the DMV Driver Safety Office.
Failure to Act = Automatic License Suspension
If you fail to request an APS hearing, your driver's license will automatically be suspended upon expiration of the temporary license. How long the license remains suspended will depend on whether or not you have prior DUI offenses and how many. An experienced Pomona DUI Lawyer should be contacted as soon as possible following a DUI arrest to ensure that your driving privilege is protected.
Criminal Charges Filed
If you are arrested for DUI in Pomona, the Los Angeles County District Attorney's Office will likely file criminal charges against you. The specific charge will depend on the facts of your case. A felony or misdemeanor DUI conviction can have a devastating impact on a person's life, adversely affecting employment, finances, child custody agreements, and freedom.
Pomona Courthouse
Pomona misdemeanor and felony DUI cases will be filed at the Pomona Courthouse. The judges in Pomona have a reputation for being tough on DUI defendants, as does that branch of the District Attorney's Office. You may be ordered to attend Alcoholic Anonymous classes even before you are convicted. If you are a repeat DUI offender, you may be ordered at arraignment to wear an alcohol monitoring device or, in some circumstances, the judge will set bail. Do not go to Court alone and represent yourself. Do not assume that you must plea guilty to DUI and have no other options.Hire an experienced Pomona DUI Lawyer now.
DUI Probation Violations
If you have already been convicted of DUI at the Pomona Courthouse, you were likely placed on probation. If it was a felony then you were placed on formal probation. If your conviction was a misdemeanor you were placed on summary probation. If you violate probation you will be ordered to appear in front of the judge again. You can violate your probation by not completing the terms/conditions that were ordered, such as failing to finish the alcohol program. You can also violate your probation if you are arrested and pick up a new case. If you violate your DUI probation you may be facing jail time. The judges in Pomona treat probation violations very seriously. CONTACT our office today if you are facing a DUI probation violation.
Dedicated Pomona DUI Lawyer
The city of Pomona is located approximately 27 miles east of Downtown Los Angeles. "P-Town" has a population of approximately 150,000 people. Points of interest in Pomona include FairplexFairplex, home of the Los Angeles County Fair, Auto Club Raceway at Pomona, Cal Poly Pomona, and the Pomona Fox Theater. The city of Pomona describes itself as "vibrant, safe, and beautiful" and its officials have directed the Pomona Police Department to keep it that way.
DUI Consultation
If you have been arrested for DUI, CONTACT a skilled Pomona DUI Lawyer today. DUI Attorney Robert D. Berglund will personally speak with you about what happened. He will ask you to tell him your story and explain exactly what happened, understanding that each and every DUI case is unique in its own way. This information will allow him to evaluate your case carefully and look for any problems of proof that the Pomona prosecutors may have in proving the DUI case against you. Do not delay if you are facing Pomona DUI charges, CONTACT our office today for a free and confidential consultation.