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Sherman Oaks DUI Lawyer

DUI Arrests in Sherman Oaks

Driving under the influence (DUI) is a criminal offense.  Berglund Law Office, P.C. is a law firm that specializes in defending persons arrested for DUI.  DUI Attorney Robert D. Berglund vigorously represents his clients to ensure that they are treated fairly under the law and receive the best possible outcome in their cases.  Call a Los Angeles DUI lawyer today at (877) 667-1205 or submit our CONTACT form to schedule a free and confidential consultation if you were arrested for DUI in Sherman Oaks.  Most persons arrested for DUI have two separate actions initiated against them: a criminal case and a DMV administrative action.  

10 Days to Request DMV Hearing 

DUI carries serious adverse consequences to your driver's license.  If you were arrested on suspicion of DUI involving alcohol, the LAPD or other law enforcement officers likely confiscated your driver's license and issued a pink "temporary" license that is good for 30 days.  However, you only have 10 days from the arrest date to request a Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) Administrative Per Se (APS) hearing from the DMV Driver Safety Office.  You must contact the DMV at (833) 543-7703 to request a hearing. 

Automatic License Suspension

If you fail to request an APS hearing, your driver's license will automatically be suspended upon expiration of the temporary license.  How long the license remains suspended will depend on whether you have prior DUI offenses and how many.  An experienced Sherman Oaks DUI Lawyer should be contacted as soon as possible following a DUI arrest to ensure that your driving privilege is protected.  Following your arrest for DUI this is the first thing that must be taken care of or else you will face an automatic driver's license suspension. 

DUI Criminal Charges Filed

If you are arrested for DUI in Sherman Oaks, a criminal complaint will be filed against you unless the prosecutor declines to file the case due to insufficient evidence.  A DUI conviction can have a devastating impact on a person's life, adversely affecting employment, finances, child custody agreements, reputation, and freedom.  Misdemeanor DUI arrest reports from Sherman Oaks are forwarded to the Los Angeles City Attorney's Office for criminal prosecution.  Felony DUI cases are filed by the Los Angeles County District Attorney's Office.  If you need a Sherman Oaks DUI Lawyer to defend you against DUI charges, CONTACT our office today.

DUI Cases at Van Nuys Courthouse

Sherman Oaks misdemeanor and felony DUI cases will be filed at the Van Nuys Courthouse.  Misdemeanor DUI Arraignments are held in Dept. 101.  Felonies are scheduled in Dept. 100.  The Judges at this Court can be particularly tough on people facing DUI charges, ordering mandatory attendance at Alcoholics Anonymous classes as a condition of OR release and setting bail for persons charged with a 2nd or 3rd time DUI offense.  Do not go to Court alone and represent yourself.  Do not assume that you must plea guilty to DUI and have no other options. CONTACT our office today.

Types of DUI Cases

You can be arrested for Driving Under the Influence of alcohol, illegal drugs, marijuana, and prescription drugs.  If law enforcement officers believe that your ability to drive has been impaired, a DUI investigation will be initiated.  If you were observed driving recklessly, got into an accident, fail to perform well on the field sobriety tests, or show other signs of impairment, you will be placed under arrest for DUI.  

Defenses to DUI Charges

The possible defenses to the charges vary depending on the type of case and the specific circumstances.  In addition to listening to your recollection of the events of the incident, a good DUI Lawyer will thoroughly review the police report, review any and all available audio or video of the investigation and arrest, request all items of evidence that the prosecuting agency, either the Los Angeles City Attorney or Los Angeles County District Attorney, will use against you, and consult with an expert to review breath and/or blood analysis records.  A customized "game plan" to defend you will then be developed.

DUI Enforcement in Sherman Oaks

The Los Angeles Police Department has jurisdiction and, along with the California Highway Patrol, are always on the lookout for DUI drivers, both on the Sherman Oaks city streets and the 101 and 405 freeways.  With the rise in fatal traffic collisions due to impaired drivers, law enforcement agencies have increased their efforts to locate and arrest DUI drivers. 

LAPD actively patrols and enforces DUI laws in Sherman Oaks, and anyone caught driving under the influence may be subject to arrest, fines, and other penalties, including jail.  Police officers enforce DUI laws and have specially trained officers that are responsible for catching and arresting individuals who are driving under the influence of drugs or alcohol. 

DUI Checkpoints

DUI checkpoints are regularly conducted in Sherman Oaks, particularly near Ventura and Sepulveda Boulevards. Notable locations also include Ventura Blvd. and Columbus Avenue, as well as Ventura and Van Nuys Boulevards. These checkpoints serve as a valuable deterrent, raising awareness about the dangers of impaired driving and encouraging the use of safer alternatives such as rideshare services, taxis, or public transportation.

When driving in the Sherman Oaks area, it is essential to act responsibly by never driving under the influence of drugs or alcohol. Adhering to traffic laws and regulations is equally important to ensure the safety of all road users. It is also worth noting that DUI checkpoints are lawful throughout Sherman Oaks and Los Angeles County. If stopped at one, it is important to cooperate with law enforcement and follow their instructions.

DUI Patrols

DUI saturation patrols are conducted throughout Sherman Oaks, especially in the late night hours on weekends.  Saturation patrols involve law enforcement deploying additional police officers to targeted roadways during select time periods to detect and apprehend impaired drivers.  Officers look for driving behavior that may be evidence of impairment, such as reckless or aggressive driving, tailgating, weaving between lanes, speeding and/or driving too slowly.  LAPD and CHP have zero tolerance for DUI drivers in Sherman Oaks.  CHP carefully observes drivers along the 101 freeway in Sherman Oaks.  Officers frequently order drivers to exit the freeway at Van Nuys or Sepulveda Boulevards, where a DUI investigation is performed.  

Sherman Oaks

Sherman Oaks is a neighborhood located in the San Fernando Valley region of Los Angeles.  Sherman Oaks residents are encouraged to call 911 to report suspected DUI drivers.  There are many things to do in Sherman Oaks, whether you're interested in shopping, outdoor activities, or cultural experiences.   Known for its suburban vibe and shopping malls, many in the entertainment industry have relocated to Sherman Oaks in search of privacy and proximity to the city.  The Sherman Oaks Galleria is home to restaurants and retail shops.  Westfield Fashion Square is one of the premier shopping destinations in the San Fernando Valley. The Van Nuys Sherman Oaks Recreation Center features basketball and tennis courts, a playground, a swimming pool, and a community center.  The main thoroughfare through Sherman Oaks is Ventura Boulevard which is home to many restaurants, bars, and retail stores, and a perfect location for DUI checkpoints.  

Dedicated Sherman Oaks DUI Defense Lawyer

If you have been arrested for DUI, CONTACT a skilled Sherman Oaks DUI Lawyer today.  DUI Attorney Robert D. Berglund will personally speak with you about what happened.  He will ask you to tell him your story and explain exactly what happened, understanding that each and every DUI case is unique in its own way.  This information will allow him to evaluate your case carefully and look for any problems of proof that the prosecution may have in proving its DUI case against you.  Do not delay if you are facing Sherman Oaks DUI charges, CONTACT our office today for a free and confidential consultation.  


Our office specializes in representing individuals facing traffic violations. We represent our clients in both court and at DMV hearings. Your case will be handled with the personalized attention and expertise that it deserves.

Free Consultation

There is no charge for the phone consultation. Our office specializes in representing individuals facing traffic violations. Attorney Robert D. Berglund will personally speak with you about your case and provide you with an honest analysis. Contact us today.