Upland DUI Lawyer
Berglund Law Office, P.C. is a law firm that specializes in defending persons arrested for suspicion of driving under the influence. DUI Attorney Robert D. Berglund vigorously represents his clients to ensure that they are treated fairly under the law and receive the best possible outcome in their cases. CONTACT our office today if you have been arrested for DUI in Upland
DUI Patrols in Upland
The city of Upland has a population of over 70,000 and is part of the Inland Empire. The city is under the jurisdiction of the Upland Police Department. Along with the the California Highway Patrol, its officers are always on the lookout for DUI drivers in Upland, both on city streets and on the 10 and 210 freeways. DUI patrols and DUI checkpoints are common in Upland. A major benefit of DUI checkpoints is the deterrent effects it has on those who might drive drunk or drugged, bringing about more awareness and encouraging people to use Uber, Lyft, taxis, or sober designated drivers. Upland PD has zero tolerance for DUI drivers. DUI arrest reports from Upland are forwarded to the San Bernardino County District Attorney's Office for criminal prosecution. If you need an Upland DUI Lawyer to defend you against DUI charges, CONTACT our office today.
Types of DUI Cases
You can be arrested for driving under the influence of alcohol, marijuana, illegal drugs, such as heroin and methamphetamine, and prescription drugs. Many people do not realize that you can still be arrested for DUI even if you have only used legal prescription medication. However, if law enforcement officers believe that your ability to drive has been impaired, it does not matter that the drugs were legally prescribed, a DUI investigation will be initiated. You can read more about this issue on our website (DUI Prescription Drugs). If you were observed driving recklessly, got into an accident, fail to perform well on the field sobriety tests, or show other signs of impairment, you will be placed under arrest for DUI.
Upland DUI Defenses
The possible defenses to the charges vary depending on the type of case and the specific circumstances. In addition to listening to your recollection of the events of the incident, a good DUI Lawyer will thoroughly review the police report, review any and all available audio or video of the investigation and arrest, request all items of evidence that the San Bernardino County District Attorney will use against you to try to prove that you were DUI, and consult with an expert to review breath and/or blood analysis records. DUI Lawyer Robert D. Berglund works with his clients to develop a customized "game plan" to defend them against DUI charges. CONTACT our office today if are facing DUI charges following your arrest in Upland.
10 Days to Request DMV Hearing
DUI is a criminal offense, not to be mistaken with a traffic violation such as speeding or running a red light. If you were arrested on suspicion of Driving Under the Influence of alcohol, the Upland Police Department or California Highway Patrol officers likely confiscated your driver's license and issued a pink "temporary" license that is good for 30 days. However, you only have 10 days from the arrest date to request a Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) Administrative Per Se (APS) hearing from the DMV Driver Safety Office. Upland DUI hearings will be heard at the San Bernardino location. If you fail to request an APS hearing, your driver's license will automatically be suspended upon expiration of the temporary license. How long the license remains suspended will depend on whether you have prior DUI offenses and how many. An experienced Upland DUI Lawyer should be contacted as soon as possible following a DUI arrest to ensure that your driving privilege is protected.
Criminal Charges Filed
If you are arrested for DUI in Upland, a criminal complaint will be filed against you unless the prosecutor declines to file the case due to insufficient evidence. A DUI conviction can have a devastating impact on a person's life, adversely affecting employment, finances, child custody agreements, and freedom. Upland DUI cases will be filed at the Rancho Cucamonga Courthouse. Do not go to Court alone and represent yourself if you have been charged with DUI.
Dedicated Upland DUI Defense Lawyer
If you have been arrested for DUI, CONTACT an experienced Upland DUI Lawyer today. DUI Attorney Robert D. Berglund will personally speak with you about what happened. He will ask you to tell him your story and explain exactly what happened, understanding that each and every DUI case is unique in its own way. This information will allow him to evaluate your case carefully and look for any problems of proof that the prosecution may have in proving its DUI case against you. Do not delay if you are facing Upland DUI charges, CONTACT our office today for a free and confidential consultation.