Unlike traffic infraction tickets, a violation of Vehicle Code Section 23103(a) is a misdemeanor criminal offense. This section states as follows: "Any person who drives any vehicle in willful or wanton disregard for the safety of persons or property is guilty of reckless driving." This law applies to driving on any public road or street as well as an off-street parking facility. "Willful and wanton disregard for the safety of persons or property" means that you were driving so dangerously as to be in danger of causing an accident. The driver must also be aware, or should have been aware, that they were driving dangerously. The test is whether a "reasonable and prudent person" in the same situation should have known that the way they were driving was dangerous and could jeopardize the safety of other drivers, pedestrians, bicyclists, or property. Call our traffic law firm today at (877) 667-1205 or fill out the CONTACT form if you received a reckless driving ticket.
Examples of Reckless Driving
Examples of reckless driving include driving when you are unable to stay awake, rounding corners at excessive speeds, excessively weaving in and out of slower moving traffic while speeding, and driving through a 25 mph school zone at 50 mph. Most police officers will not issue a citation for reckless driving unless they observe multiple moving violations. For example, a driver speeding while weaving in and out of traffic and running a red light can expect to get cited or arrested for reckless driving.
Penalties for Reckless Driving
Reckless driving is a misdemeanor criminal offense. If convicted, a person can receive 90 days in county jail. You can also be placed on summary probation for one year, ordered to pay a fine, have your vehicle impounded for 30 days, and have your driver's license suspended for 30 days. These are penalties for a first offense. If someone has prior convictions for reckless driving, or if another person is injured due to an accident caused by reckless driving, the penalties are more severe. CONTACT our traffic law firm today if you have been cited or arrested for reckless driving.