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Failure to Obey Sign or Signal

Failure to Obey a Traffic Sign or Traffic Signal

A common traffic violation is for failure to obey a sign or signal.  These citations fall under Vehicle Code Section 21461(a), which reads as follows:

"(a) It is unlawful for a driver of a vehicle to fail to obey a sign or signal defined as regulatory in the federal Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices, or a Department of Transportation approved supplement to that manual of a regulatory nature erected or maintained to enhance traffic safety and operations or to indicate and carry out the provisions of this code or a local traffic ordinance or resolution adopted pursuant to a local traffic ordinance, or to fail to obey a device erected or maintained by lawful authority of a public body or official."

An example of a violation of Vehicle Code Section 21461 is where a driver is in a lane designated "right turn only," or "right lane must turn right," and proceeds to drive straight through the intersection.  Another example is failing to yield for pedestrians or oncoming traffic when given a "YIELD" sign.  Vehicle Code Section 21461(a) is very broad and can cover any violation of a posted sign or signal.  

Vehicle Code Section 21461 is a Moving Violation

A conviction for this violation is considered a moving violation and, therefore, counts as one point on your driving record.  A point may result in an increase in your auto insurance premium.  Too many points within specified time periods, e.g. four points in one year, will result in the Department of Motor Vehicles seeking to deem you a "negligent operator" and suspending your driver's license. 

Traffic Ticket Lawyer

Call us today at (877) 667-1205 or submit our CONTACT form if you have received a traffic ticket.  Let us go to work for you to achieve the best outcome possible for your case.


Our office specializes in representing individuals facing traffic violations. We represent our clients in both court and at DMV hearings. Your case will be handled with the personalized attention and expertise that it deserves.

Free Consultation

There is no charge for the phone consultation. Our office specializes in representing individuals facing traffic violations. Attorney Robert D. Berglund will personally speak with you about your case and provide you with an honest analysis. Contact us today.